巴布亞新幾內亞為水產品安全把關巴布亞新幾內亞(PNG)利用供給首府水源及電力的中部大型Sirinumu水庫,成功輔導60位漁民善用漁業創造當地收益及增進水產品安全。PNG國家漁業局(NFA)資助當地漁業發展、培養專門技術並輔導漁民利用水庫進行箱網養殖。漁獲主要銷往區域超市(有些超市要求簽訂定期供貨契約)、傳統市場及一酒店打工般消費者。為高地區域(Highlands)居民有充足的蛋白質來源及維繫內陸小型漁民生計,早於1950年代中期引進水產養殖業。專長的養成、職訓、基礎建設、魚粉及小魚供應量是否充足等議題係PNG當前發展水產及海洋養殖業面臨最重大的挑戰。NFA提供基礎職訓課程、推動可行性研究、資助新水產方案及有拓展計畫的漁民。NFA另於買房子Morobe、東西高地、Jiwaka及Simbu省分設小型魚粉工廠,並予以補貼魚粉價格。NFA表示,因為PNG致力培育在地石斑魚、鯡魚及鯛魚不甚順利,所以養殖業主要以吳郭魚、鯉魚及鱒魚為大宗。NFA與太平洋區域秘書處(SPC)合作運用澳洲國際農業研究中心(ACIAR)提供的資金進行一項開發計畫,其中假PNG大學設立的大型淡水蝦育卵所將於西裝外套年底完工。開發計畫支持的水產研究成果將用於造福當地漁民。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 13/2012 16 July 2012)AQUACULTURE BOOSTS FOOD SECURITYThe vast Sirinumu Reservoir in Central Province which supplies water and electricity toPapua New Guinea’s (PNG) capital is home to a co-operative of 60 關鍵字行銷fish farmers who aresuccessfully employing aquaculture to improve local incomes and food security. The National Fisheries Authority (NFA) assisted locals with funding for development andtechnical expertise, advising them on the suitability of cage culture fish farming in thereservoir 有巢氏房屋environment. The harvests are bought by supermarkets, local markets andprivate customers in the region. Some supermarkets have asked for contracts to secure aregular supply of fish.Aquaculture was introduced in the Highlands in the mid-1950s to combat malnutritionand enhance the livelihoods of 酒店經紀small farmers in inland areas. The main challenges todevelop aquaculture and mariculture in PNG include expertise, training, infrastructureand access to adequate supplies of fish feed and fingerlings. NFA offers basic trainingcourses, assistance with feasibility studies and funding to support 買屋new aquacultureprojects and those with plans to expand. NFA has also set up satellite feed mills inMorobe, Eastern Highlands, Western Highlands, Jiwaka and Simbu provinces and issubsidizing the cost of feed.According to NFA, the main aquaculture species in PNG are tilapia, carp and 酒店經紀trout.However, efforts to domesticate indigenous groupers, mullets and snappers have beenunsuccessful. At the end of the year a hatchery for giant freshwater shrimp will beestablished at the University of PNG in a joint development project with the Secretariatof the Pacific Community (SPC) and 汽車借款NFA, with funding from Australian Centre forInternational Agricultural Research (ACIAR). The project is set to boost aquacultureresearch and eventually the transfer of appropriate technology to local fish farmers.

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